Diane Jeeranut Pitzer

The topic with which Holistic Bodywork touched me the most and has significantly shaped my work:
the development and healing of trauma.
The more I learned about it, the more I wanted EVERYONE
– to know that children are able to separate their needs from themselves – in order to protect the bond with their parents
– to experience in themselves how directly psyche and body interact and influence one another.
– to appreciate what kind of power is inherent in their own feelings that we can consciously use
– to experience what it is like to heal on their own and in connection with other people.
(This list could go on and on)
My greatest wish is to help pass this knowledge on to as many people as possible.
I believe that if a majority of people are able to apply this knowledge, it inevitably follows that we can live more compassionately, more self-loving, more socially conscious to one another at the same time.
And to put it even more radically: I think it is a failure to provide help to society and the individual not to share this knowledge. 😉
I am very happy to be a permanent part of the training team and to be able to offer sessions and courses in southern Germany in my practice, the Heidelberg Health Rooms.
Background for my work:
- 2011-2013 music therapy assistant to Univ.-Prof. for music therapy Hartmut Kapteina in the day care center for dementia patients “Erimitage” in Wilnsdorf
- 2011-2013 classical voice training under Michael Blume (Presidium of the German Choir Association)
- 2013-2016 studies in physics Bc. at the Ruprechts-Karls-Universität, Heidelberg
- 2014-2016 research in the project “Music & Brain” under neurophysicist Peter Schneider at the University Hospitals Heidelberg and Basel
- since 2015-today therapeutic Thai masseuse
- 2016-2020 training at Holistic Bodywork under Pascal Beaumart
- 2016-today founder and own practice of Calming Contact Bodywork & Workshops
- 2018 advanced training course “The complex consequences of trauma: how to recognize, how to act, how to support?” By the treatment initiative Victim Protection (BIOS) e. V. Karlsruhe
- since 2018 assistant at Holistic Bodywork
- since 2019 body therapist and musician in the project “Spielraum Musik” in a refugee accommodation in Heidelberg
- since 2020 Founder and networker of the Heidelberg health rooms
- since 2020 training manager at Holistic Bodywork
- 2020 e-learning curriculum for a supplementary qualification in trauma education