Sessions with Pascal Beaumart

Sessions with Pascal

“It is of great importance to me to perceive bodies and people as fully as possible and therefore, to be able to support healing on all levels.“

The basis of my work is to connect deep, cutting edge scientific knowledge regarding the physical, mental and psycho-emotional levels, with the ancient wisdom of alternative healing methods, especially their insights into energetic and spiritual levels. My work consists of tools and techniques found in Thai Massage, physiotherapy, osteopathy, and trauma therapy approaches (among other methods). But it also goes way beyond just the use of tools. For me, it is also imperative to create a space and awareness in which health, healing and being whole is the normal state. A state in which body, mind and soul can unfold into their fullest potential.
Fields of Expertise: My treatments are custom-tailored to your wishes and needs. If you are interested in a Session with me, please contact me and we can see how that applies to you. Backgrounds for my work:
Learn more about Pascal Beaumart

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