Holistic Bodywork

Coaching-Tools for Bodyworkers: Support your Clients to sense and feel themselves

We cannot consciously change,  what we are not aware of. For Bodywork, this means: Clients can only (sustainably) change, what they can sense and understand in their body.  This is true for very different goals and wishes that clients might bring to our sessions:  Physical Pain – Long term pain reduction is only possible if …

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Yoga-Lehrer im Spagat zwischen Sport und spiritueller Praxis

Dieser Artikel richtet sich an YogalehrerInnen, GruppenleiterInnen und alle, die ihre eigene Praxis selbstständig vertiefen wollen. Yoga hat sich als alternatives Fitnessangebot in der Gesellschaft durchgesetzt:  Immer mehr Menschen kommen in Studios oder nutzen Online-Angebote, um ihre Gesundheit, Haltung und Fitness zu verbessern. Das ist großartig – doch die Tradition des Yoga und viele Angebote …

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PART 2: Shock- vs. Developmental-Trauma

Welcome back to our little series: “Trauma – what is that?” This is the second part building on “Part 1 – What is trauma actually?”. Shock-Trauma is not Developmental Trauma In this article, I want to introduce the distinction between shock and developmental trauma. This is important because: on the surface, they look almost the same, but they work very …

PART 2: Shock- vs. Developmental-Trauma Read More »

PART 1: What is Trauma?

‘Trauma’ as a topic is very “in”. Psychotherapy, medicine, yoga, self-help books and yes, also bodywork and massage increasingly deal with traumas and the effects of such.An example of this is the ICD- 11 World Health Organization (WHO) catalogue. in which trauma is recognized as a possible origin of a wide range of symptoms. Because …

PART 1: What is Trauma? Read More »

Can I retraumatize my clients?

The short answer is: Yes, we can retraumatize people – during a massage, a yoga session, a therapeutic session or any everyday life interaction with our partner. Now, that is a tricky thing to acknowledge and understand. Especially for all of us working with people, trying our best to support them using the best tools we have in our toolbox.  …

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