
We co-create the trainings and courses as a team. And personally support you on your journey.

Here you can learn more about us and our backgrounds.

- Founder of Holistic Bodywork -

“It is of great importance to me to perceive bodies and people as fully as possible and therefore, to be able to support healing on all levels.“

The basis of my work is to connect deep, cutting edge scientific knowledge regarding the physical, mental and psycho-emotional levels, with the ancient wisdom of alternative healing methods, especially their insights into energetic and spiritual levels.

My work consists of tools and techniques found in Thai Massage, physiotherapy, osteopathy, and trauma therapy approaches (among other methods). But it also goes way beyond just the use of tools.

For me, it is also imperative to create a space and awareness in which health, healing and being whole is the normal state. A state in which body, mind and soul can unfold into their fullest potential.

Assistant Team

The people that have been working on the development and refinement of Holistic Bodywork for years.

People who offer Holistic-Bodywork, both in sessions and in courses

Holistic Bodywork is a young and modern approach. We grow into the world more deeply every year.

These are people who have studied and grown with us for years. And they are bringing Holistic Bodywork into the world through sessions and workshops.

For me the fascination at the moment lies in exploring what it means to be fully human

embarks on a journey of discovery, sometimes dancing, sometimes playful and always with all her heart: in body work, in groups and for sustainable protection of the environment …

… not to lead people through my life and my experiences, but to explore together what brings them closer to their wishes in their own individual way… 

enriches our training as an assistant with his calm and humorous manner. With his 10 years of experience as a Thai masseur and yoga teacher …

Especially likes to talk about psychomotricity – the relationship between the body and emotional needs and she enriches us with soulful singing.


Every body is a sacred temple. Through this perspective I feel connected in a special way with the people who come to me and with the thousands of years old traditional healing methods of Thai yoga and Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui massage.

Together with Hannes, find a haven of tranquillity to pause in order to get into your own movement from there.


More about Mareen coming soon.


More about Maren coming soon.

accompanies the training with his know-how from physiotherapy and osteopathy and fills our Instagram account with great attention to detail.

„In heart connections sounds for us the melody of life, combined with joy in the sun, hearty laughter and lively happiness.“

Driven by the question of how to take people out of scarcity into abundance, I want to share my experience, skills and further learning.

Ulrike Hübner

I know from personal experience how difficult it can be to be present with yourself, but I also know the rewards and beauty of succeeding.